
Sue May, kennel Lussac

I purchased my first flatcoated Retriever in 1980 from Brenda Phillips of the renowned Exclyst Kennel. Exclyst Moonshine gained her CH title and set me on the road to a lifetime involved with this wonderful breed.

Lussac Crusader was sent to Mr and Mrs K Skjelbred in 1987. When I look at overseas pedigrees, I am filled with a sense of pride at seeing him behind so many outstanding dogs. 

I started judging in the mid 80's but due to my husband's passing in 1994 time didn't allow me to pursue a judging career. Having judged extensively at open level over 35 years I judged my first Championship Show at Richmond in 2020. 

Currently I have 5 flatcoats at home. Ronevorg Dark Angel at Lussac, Sired by CH Lussac Winter Wizard, was the Flatcoated Retriever Society Top Junior in 2021, he also won NEFRA's President Cup in 2021. Lussac Winter Witch, sister to Wizard, has one CC and numerous Res C.C.'s   Lussac Xcape Artist sired by Paradox Voodoo Hoodo and his mother Lussac Vintage Lace who works tirelessly at local shoots. The youngest Lussac April Shower, a daughter of Dark Angel, is showing great promise in the show ring. 

At home, my husband and I are full time farmers. The Priorton Herd of Ruby Red Devon Cattle has been on the farm for over 100 years. My husband, John, enjoys great success showing the cattle. He is also an international cattle judge. We also run a small syndicate shoot at home and my dogs are regularly out picking up at local shoots. 

I am very much looking forward to judging the Flatcoated Retriever Club Mittsvenska. This will be my first overseas appointment and I feel very honoured to be invited and see your beautiful dogs.